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Link to walks4softies

If you have a related website, please link to walks4softies. If you do so let us know by an e-mail to john@walks4softies.co.uk so that we can consider including a link to your site on walks4softies.

Link text

Please refer to walks4softies with one of the following text links:





Link graphics

You may also refer to walks4softies with one of the following graphics links:

Link to walks4softies Size: 100 x 30 pixels

Link to walks4softies Size: 120 x 40 pixels

Link to walks4softies Size: 120 x 60 pixels

Links to fixed pages

All area and walk pages are at fixed web addresses that we will take care not to change. These can be linked to very easily by navigating to the page, copying its address then pasting it into your web page.

Links to the Find Walks page

The Find Walks page is provided by a CGI script that gives lists of walks depending on the parameters provided. It can provide a list of walks on a per county basis as follows:

Dorset Walks

The above will also work for all counties but at present walks4softies only has walks in: Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire.

The script can also provide a list of walks near a town as follows:

Walks near Weymouth

which selects walks within a 50 miles / 82 km radius of Weymouth.

The script accepts the "town_select" values of: Bournemouth, Dorchester, Poole, Salisbury and Weymouth. More towns will be added to this list in future, check the town names on the "- select town -" list on the Find Walks page.

Describe walks4softies

If you require a short sentence to describe walks4softies use one of the following paragraphs:

For short easy to follow walks.

For short easy to follow walks within 50 miles of Poole, Dorset.

For short easy to follow walks described with pictures.

For short easy to follow walks described with pictures. Most walks are within 50 miles of Poole, Dorset.

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